NPL Member
Member of NPLs Manufacturer Measurement Network
“The National Physical Laboratory is the UKs National Measurement Institute. It is a world leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology.”
The NPL have helped and work with HR Blowers UK Ltd to continually achieve world-leading accuracy and repeatability, in the manufacture of its products.
NPLs Manufacturer Measurement Network is designed to support and help businesses achieve their full potential and become more competitive in a challenging worldwide market. It hosts monthly meetings and seminars with like minded Manufacturers, Engineers and Industry Experts to provide insite on the best-practice, and cutting-edge innovation and technology.
Benefits of the programme include services to identify the following areas:
- Reduce waste and the cost associated with scrap parts and lost time
- Increase verification efficiency with associated cost savings
- Introduce latest measurement good practice to ensure efficiency and product quality
- Reduce product variability allowing more scope to work within tolerance bands
- Improve product conformance and provide confidence in product quality
- Understand measurement system constraints and identify potential improvements
- Upskill workforce through training
NPL North of England Support Summary
Being a member of the Manufacturer Measurement Network provides HR Blowers UK Ltd with access to all the below resources and support.
NPL provides a wide variety of measurement and other support services including:
- Measurement services (CMM or manual)
- Reverse engineering
- CMM programming
- Bespoke training
- Access to NPL equipment
- Technology evaluation
- Problem solving
- Consultancy
- Research & Development

Annual artefact check
NPL uses calibrated artefacts to validate its measurement performance, providing a suitable artefact to be measured using the HR Blowers usual procedures and equipment and then analysing the data and providing feedback on the quality of the measurement process. This is designed to help HR Blowers understand how well our current product validation processes are performing and to correct any issues that may be highlighted.
Temperature survey
Temperature variations have a significant effect on the accuracy of measurements and affect the validity of the inspection process. Better temperature control can result in higher accuracy measurement and improved confidence in the product. Understanding the effect of temperature in your environment gives HR Blowers awareness of how this affects or constrains manufacturing processes.
Product Verification (PV) assessment
A PV assessment helps HR Blowers identify areas to improve efficiencies, reduce waste, raise product quality, demonstrate compliance and make the business more competitive. The process includes a visit by NPL measurement experts assessing manufacturing activities, and the output of the assessment is a report highlighting potential areas of improvement.